Sexual Immorality and New Diseases: A Powerful Prophecy of Islam

Monkeypox is a viral disease described as a milder form of smallpox.

Besides fever and headaches, some visible symptoms include skin rashes and lesions.

A disease that occurs primarily in central Africa now has outbreaks in the West, mainly in the UK. Cases have also been discovered in other parts of Europe, including Spain.

What’s more, it has been linked to the homosexual community and its sexual practices.

The Print reported:

London, May 17 (PTI) Gay and bisexual men are being urged to be alert to unusual rashes or lesions after four new cases of the monkeypox virus were confirmed by UK health authorities, taking the total number of infections in the country to seven since the first case emerged earlier this year.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said on Monday evening that all of the new cases, three in London and one in the north east of England, self-identify as gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men (MSM).

So this monkeypox is basically a homophobic disease.

But is there any link between homosexuality and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

And more generally, is there any link between sexual immorality (such as widespread fornication and adultery) and STDs?

RELATED: [WATCH] The SECRET Plan to Spread LGBT to the Muslim World

Sexual Immorality and STDs: A Prophecy

The link between sexuality immorality and STDs is in fact a prophecy.

Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ said, as reported in an authentic narration in Sunan Ibn Majah 4019:

It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar said:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) turned to us and said: ‘O Muhajirun, there are five things with which you will be tested, and I seek refuge with Allah lest you live to see them: Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them […]

Keep in mind that pretty much all civilizations have taken a stand against sexual immorality.

British anthropologist J.D. Unwin demonstrates in his 1934-study Sex and Culture, how a strong stance against sexual immorality is actually what makes a society. He does this by looking at dozens of “uncivilized” societies and dozens of “advanced” civilizations over many millennia.

So, being against sexual immorality seems to be something “universal.”

What makes the above ḥadīth unique though, is that the Prophet ﷺ makes a connection between sexual immorality and diseases.

Most STDs only appeared during the modern age.

Take chlamydia for instance, considered the most widespread STD – its symptoms including genital pain and discharge from the reproductive organ. In an academic article, we read:

Since the late 1990s chlamydia has been the most commonly reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Europe and the United States.
Public health concern about the disease also derived from its seeming novelty and to uncertainties over its pathology. Chlamydia first became recognized as a specific STI in the 1970s, but it took until 1988 for it to become notifiable.

So it’s literally a “new” disease which was “identified” only decades ago.

Then there’s the human papillomavirus (HPV), which potentially causes cervical cancer. Italian surgeon Domenico Rigoni-Stern had linked cancer with sexual immorality as early as 1842 in a treatise he’d authored. However it’s only in 1985, with advanced research in genetics, that German virologist Harald zur Hausen would make this definitive connection. He was subsequently rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008.

Gonorrhea is a disease that was found in ancient cultures, but it wasn’t something very widespread back then. Apart from gonorrhea though, all other STDs – such as trichomoniasis; genital herpes; and of course HIV/AIDS – had their first confirmed cases during the modern period. This is when sexual immorality became widespread.

Syphylis, another STD, is even considered “modernity’s disease” par excellence, having been contracted by individuals such as influential French poet Baudelaire and US gangster Al Capone. Baudelaire was known to frequent prostitutes, and Al Capone actually died from it. There are also many “suspected” cases, which include the likes of Hitler, Lenin, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche – which according to some, explains the philosopher’s dementia during his final years.

While some people had criticized sexual immorality, only the Prophet ﷺ made such a strong link between widespread sexual immorality and diseases, and specifically – new diseases.

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To give you a better idea of how widespread STDs are, LiveScience posted an article in 2014 to quantify the extent of STDs in the United States alone, and how much it was costing them. These were the numbers:

Certainly the “rational” West, which grants such great importance to the materialistic and economic side of life (due to capitalism), should enact legislation to prevent STDs? And not for religious reasons, but simply due to the financial costs they ensue.

Unless the West is hypocritical – which is impossible, right?

RELATED: How Bosniaks Reveal the Liberal West’s Hypocrisy

Homosexuality And HIV/AIDS

Malik Badri (1932-2021) was a personal friend to Malcolm X. Some speculate that he may even be the reason Malcolm X chose to adopt the name Malik el-Shabazz after converting to Islam.

Badri was a Sudanese psychologist and is considered to be the father of modern Islamic psychology. He had an illustrious career teaching this subject in his native country Sudan, as well as Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. He eventually passed away in Kuala Lumpur.

Of his many popular books, one of the most famous is The AIDS Crisis: A Natural Product of Modernity’s Sexual Revolution, first published in 1997.

Our opening statement linked monkeypox with homosexuality. And the STD most associated with homosexuality, not only in academia but also as the overwhelming general perception, is of course HIV/AIDS. Many homosexual celebrity figures died from the disease, such as French philosopher Michel Foucault and British-Indian pop-singer Freddie Mercury.

RELATED: The Hidden LGBT Message in Toys Your Child May Be Playing With

Badri places this into a wider context – that of the sexual revolution; linked but not limited to homosexuality.

He writes on p. 25:

Simply stated, the AIDS plague is mainly a sexually transmitted pandemic. It is spread through the most intimate of human contacts, namely sexual intercourse, and thus it is the greatest threat to modernity’s dearest progeny: the sexual revolution. If one seriously contemplates the characteristics and modes of transmission of AIDS, one would be astonished by the clear fact that it is a syndrome specifically designed to curb this licentious revolution. It is becoming more and more obvious as the years drag on without a therapeutic breakthrough that the exploding pandemic cannot be halted without putting the brakes on this sexual abandon. Unlike other microbes, the AIDS virus, with its ‘specialised mission,’ does not infect by the usual ‘sinless’ contacts of most other germs. It is not transmitted by casual sharing of household utensils or bed sheets, by coughing or sneezing, by swimming pools or public transport or even by insect and mosquito bites, toilet seats, hugging or ‘dry kissing’ an AIDS victim. The retributive virus can only attack in the darkness of penetrative sex or the actual introduction of infected body fluids, such as contaminated blood in the case of intravenous drug addicts.

He then deconstructs the psychological and biological justifications for sexual immorality – notably the role played by psychologists such as Freud; and Albert Ellis, who wrote a book about Sex Without Guilt.

For Badri this approach to sexual ethics is rooted within liberalism and secularism.

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Badri then proceeds to analyze the homosexual revolution within the sexual revolution.

He highlights the role played by the liberal élite, both in academia and the media, of popularizing sodomy.

He writes on pp. 77-78:

Modernity’s media has thus opened the door widely to the gay revolution with its innovative practices. It is true that its influence in changing the attitudes of people towards homosexuality cannot be overemphasised but the support of the academic literature to the gay revolution and its anal sexuality can be more damaging. Its ‘scientific’ flavour and the halo effect of its renowned authors are very convincing to the laity as well as the intelligentsia.

Since the AIDS dilemma was first discovered among male homosexuals, and since there are a number of theories linking the mutation of the HIV itself to anal intercourse, it may be of relevance to our study to reveal the enticement of the Western scholarly references and university textbooks to anal sex. However, in writing this material, the author finds himself compelled to expose obscene practices which may be offensive to some sensitive readers. I deeply apologise. I cannot show the relationship between this important aspect of the Western sexual revolution and the development of AIDS without this ugly exposition.

If one reads the professional literature of the American and European sexual revolution in the early eighties, just before the AIDS scare, he or she will be convinced that persuading people to practice anal sex with men or women was one of the major concerns of modernity’s ‘sex education.’ Professional university textbooks of the early eighties use all sorts of philosophical, psychological and sheer seductive approaches to lure the young and old to practice sodomy.

We can’t really go through his entire book within this article, but I would definitely recommend it warmly to MuslimSkeptic readers. It should aid in helping us adopt a more encompassing approach towards the sexual revolution and also “homosexualism” as an ideology.

For me personally, all of this just cements our belief in the truthfulness of the Prophet ﷺ.

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Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

‘There are seven people whom the Creator will neither look at on the Day of Qiyamah nor will He purify them, and He will make them enter Jahannam, the homosexual and his partner, the one who masturbates, the one who engages in bestiality, the one who has anal intercourse with a woman, a man who marries both a woman and her daughter, the one who fornicates with his neighbour’s wife and the one who hurts his neighbour to such a degree that he curses him.’

Is this Hadith authentic?


This is recorded by Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) and others on the authority of Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu’anhu) with a weak chain.

Shaykh ‘Abdullah Siddique Al-Ghumari (rahimahullah) -a renowned recent Moroccon Scholar- has cited additional support for this chain which further strengthens it.

Furthermore, Imam Ibn Jarir Tabari (rahimahullah), after citing another weak narration from Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu’anhu) with very similar wordings to this one states:

‘…However, its meanings have been reported [and supported] in other Hadiths from Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) with different wordings.’

This statement of Imam Tabari (rahimahullah) is to assure one, that the narration in question is suitable, despite the weakness of the chain for this version.

References for all of the above:

Shu’abul Iman, Hadith:  5087, Kanzul ‘Ummal, Hadith: 44363 and Al-Istiqsa, pg.33-40

And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,

Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar


التخريج من المصادر العربية

شعب الإيمان (٥٥٠٨٧):  أخبرنا أبو علي الروذباري، وأبو عبد الله الحسين بن عمر بن برهان الغزال، وأبو الحسين بن الفضل القطان، وأبو محمد بن عبد الجبار السكري، نا إسماعيل بن محمد الصفار، ثنا الحسن بن عرفة، ثنا علي بن ثابت الجزري، عن مسلمة بن جعفر، عن حسان بن حميد، عن أنس بن مالك، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «سبعة لا ينظر الله عز وجل إليهم يوم القيامة، ولا يزكيهم، ولا يجمعهم مع العالمين، يدخلهم النار أول الداخلين إلا أن يتوبوا، إلا أن يتوبوا، إلا أن يتوبوا، فمن تاب تاب الله عليه الناكح يده، والفاعل والمفعول به، والمدمن بالخمر، والضارب أبويه حتى يستغيثا، والمؤذي جيرانه حتى يلعنوه، والناكح حليلة جاره».

 تفرد به هكذا مسلمة بن جعفر هذا، قال البخاري في التاريخ.

قال قتيبة: عن جميل هو الراسبي، عن مسلمة بن جعفر، عن حسان بن جميل، عن أنس بن مالك قال: «يجيء الناكح يده يوم القيامة ويده حبلى».

كنز العمال (٤٤٣٦٣): مسند علي رضي الله عنه: عن الحارث عن علي قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «سبعة لا يكلمهم الله يوم القيامة ولا ينظر إليهم، يقال لهم: ادخلوا النار مع الداخلين، إلا أن تتوبوا، إلا أن يتوبوا، إلا أن يتوبوا: الفاعل، والمفعول به، والناكح يده، والناكح حليلة جاره، والكذاب الأشر، ومعسر المعسر، والضارب والديه حتى يستغيثا».

ابن جرير وقال: لا يعرف عن رسول الله إلا رواية علي، ولا يعرف له مخرج عن علي إلا من هذا الوجه، غير أن معانيه معاني قد وردت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بها أخبار بألفاظ خلاف هذه الألفاظ.




By Amir Telibecrovic

If some population, country, community, state or even city, goes through devastating war with a lot dead victims and a lot of refugees displaced out of such a country, plus with genocide on top of that, what would be the natural response after the war and genocide from the nation? Improving a birth rate probably, encouraging more children to be born if possible, raising awareness of the importance of the nation growth, recovering community. In popular English terminology it would be promotion and encouragement of the ‘baby boom.’

Bosnia is a country like that. Less than three decades ago, it went through the imposed war and genocide. Still, birth rate recovery was going slowly after the war, due to economic difficulties and also the fact many people left a country. In some parts of the country, there was a post-war ‘baby boom,’ shortly, but in general, whole population needs more encouragement in this field. But today, public promotion of something opposite is going on.

Registered homosexual movements and organizations in Bosnia, are gaining more social and political rights than young parents who are waiting for their babies, or just planning to start a new family. Political elites among the Bosniaks have already approved LGBTIQ public parade back in 2019, on the streets of Sarajevo. Recently, this year, second street parade of the homosexuals in the Bosnian capital was approved and held. In both cases, parade was sponsored and financed from the outside of the country, yet, besides that support, this time new political establishment in Sarajevo also donated significant amount of funds for the organization of parade. Such a funds could have been incentive for the young parents but instead, it was given for something opposite. Three years ago, some Bosnian politicians, who are nominally Muslims, approved a law (not adopted officially yet, but it’s on the way), which would enable homosexual couples to get married legally, and based on that to adopt a child one day. Does this sounds like promotion and encouragement of the birth rate in the country and nation which needs it badly? Of course it is opposite from the birth rate.

Current US ambassador to Bosnia, Eric Nelson, claim publically for himself to be gay person, although it was supposed to his private matter. Interestingly, he was nominated to this position during the administration of Donald Trump. Yet, it is believed that Trump was mainly supported by the right wing Americans who are “traditionally” against homosexuals. Obviously, things in the international diplomacy are more complex than that. So, US ambassador Eric Nelson for couple of years was openly spreading campaign in support of gay movements of Bosnia. Few times in previous two years, a huge rainbow flag was hanging from the roof of the US embassy in Sarajevo, Muslim majority city. By now, even those who are not into this topic, knows that rainbow flag is officially adopted to be international homosexual flag. Ambassador Nelson even joined gay parade when they were marching the streets, same as British and some more international diplomats working in Bosnia. Enormously big police protection was set for the parade, with snipers watching from the buildings. It felt like Sarajevo was under siege again. It all gave impression like gay people are threatened or endangered so they need the biggest possible police protection.

Yes, there have been verbal threats and few physical attacks on some them in the past, but not more than in other regional countries and not in organized way but by some individuals and football hooligans. But state and politics is supporting them, administration and bureaucracy, including foreign sponsors, are on the side of the LGBTIQ movement, and vast majority of the local media. All Bosnian mainstream media are supporting homosexual movements.

Silent Ulama

There are other categories in Bosnia which are more endangered, like refugees, immigrants, Muslims in the remote parts of the Serb nationalist dominated or Croat dominated areas of the country, a lot of unemployed people, mine workers, Roma Gypsy population, disabled veterans from the 1990s aggression on the country, peasants, industry workers, but they don’t get even one fourth of support, public attention or help as gay people, either internationally or locally.

Sarajevo is Muslim majority city, so open reactions to the public promotion of the homosexuality is expected by believers, scholars, ulama, muftis, but no, reaction was soft and mostly online by some individual imams. Bosnian grand mufti remained silent to this too. Second gay parade in Sarajevo, which happened recently, was passing literally next to one of the local mosques at the time of dhuhr adhan call to prayer. Noise was made by parade so the adhan was turned on louder from the minaret. Yet, no reactions from the local worshippers. Just when it seemed nobody would react to this injustice and public immorality, small political movement gave some hope at least. Counter parade was organized by the independent Bosnian Islamic and patriotic party called BNS-V.N.D. (Faith, People, Country/State). Movement gathered around two hundred people and marched the streets of Sarajevo the same day when homosexual parade was marching, but through different parts of the city.-

Large amount of police secured these two groups would not meet on the streets. Leader of the V.N.D. party, theology professor and writer Sanin Musa, invited everybody to join, and some passersby citizens did, as they walked. V.N.D. waived with old Bosnian flags, with banners holding messages about Islamic morality, justice and logic, and members of the party and movement invited everybody, regardless of their faith, to join them, because when children are endangered it matters to everybody, not only Muslims. There was no a single incident, V.N.D. was walking the streets of Sarajevo peacefully, and in front of local media, invited homosexuals to tawba, without judging them, just warning them based on the Qur’anic chapter about Lut a.s.-

Temporary sponsors?

At the same time, Sanin Musa was emphasizing on this protest that nobody cares about anybody’s private sexual preferences, as long as they are kept personal and private, but they are against public presentation or even celebration of anybody’s intimacy, especially homosexuality. Let alone this is happening in a country which is still recovering from genocide. Defenders of the public promotion of homosexuality are usually repeating how it is demanded, even dictated, from the EU (although Bosnia is not EU member). Musa was telling them it is demanded by the same EU bureaucracy who was watching devastation of Bosnia for four years, allowing ethnic cleansing and not allowing Bosnia to defend and protect itself less than 30 years ago. Local secular mainstream media was traditionally criticizing almost any public reaction or statement against public homosexuality and legalization of gay marriages.

Their journalists were ready to label V.N.D. with usual banal terminology like “extremists” or “homophobes” or “haters” or “Islamists” but in this case they remained confused. Sanin Musa and people around him acted civilized at this counter-protests, not insulting anyone, not making any incidents, inviting everyone for peaceful demonstrating, reasonably inviting LGBTIQ organizations to give up on parades, explaining them why, friendly inviting them to do something more useful instead of marching, to be aware of the consequences of their actions etc… Yet, no answer nor comment came from any of the homosexual organizations. They are in a stage when they feel a bit arrogant, maybe even superior to others because mighty US embassy is behind them, powerful European Union stands for them, local politics too. For how long, nobody was mentioning. Like those who are frantically trying to leave Afganistan currently, wondering how come US is not standing behind them anymore. Maybe LGBTIQ have put too much trust to the wrong sponsors. It’s never too late for the honest tawba.

29 Muharram 1443 – 7 September 2021


Q. A man has homosexual tendencies. He inclines to men although he understands that this is haraam. He does not indulge in homosexuality. What advice is there for him? What rules of the Shariah apply to him?

A. A man who inclines to males has to compulsorily maintain a distance from men. Since he is physically a normal male, all rules pertaining to males will apply to him. He has to exercise restraint over his nafs just as a normal man has to exercise restraint regarding his lust for women. The natural instinct of a normal man is to incline to women. The desire is to fornicate. But the Muslim man exercises restraint and controls his nafs with his Aql. In like manner should the homosexual do. He should control his nafs with his Aql. His unnatural tendency does not justify the evil of homosexuality just as the natural urge for having sex with a woman does not justify fornication. Since the person is a male, all the ahkaam of the Shariah applicable to males will apply to him. He has to continue practising as a Muslim man is required to regardless of his homosexual tendency.



Among the causes of a plague is the prevalence of zina. When this filth becomes widespread, it becomes a cause for a plague. In this era both Muslims and non-Muslims indulge in fornication and adultery flagrantly and blatantly. In fact, zina and deeds of satanic perversion have acquired acceptance and even respect.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“When faahishah (zina, homosexuality and immorality of all kinds) become rampant, then plagues and such diseases will afflict the people, of which their forefathers had not heard.”

The planet earth is rotten with fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism and other satanic varieties of sexual perversion. Almost every Muslim indulges in cellphone zina. Indulgence in cellphone pornography is filth in which even ‘scholars’, molvis and sheikhs indulge.

Those who indulge in these cesspools of filth and moral inequity appear to be atheists. It is not possible for a true Mu’min to become addicted to such rot and filth. While a sin can be committed in a moment of ignorance and nafsaaniyat, a Mu’min does not become an addict of immorality nor does he pre-plan sin.

Remember that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that when a person indulges in zina, his Imaam exits from his body and remains suspended. Should any one of the fornicators perish in the act, he dies without Imaan. This applies to even cellphone zina.

In terms of the Aakhirat, zina of the eyes, zina of the ears, zina of the tongue, zina of the mind and heart are also actual zina, i.e. the actual act of adultery. The punishment in the Aakhirat will be the same.

It is not surprising if the current epidemic is the consequence of the planet submerged in the filth of fornication, adultery, sexual perversion and the like.

8 Sha’baan 1441 – 2 April 2020

Can homosexual behaviour be justified in Islam?

Nasihah (Advice): The evil act of homosexuality

Sayyiduna Jaabir Radhiyallahu Anhu who reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “There is nothing I fear more for my Ummah than the deed of the people of Lut (Alayhi salaam).” (Tirmidhi)


Question and Answer:

Q. I am a student studying medicine, in my faculty I receive arguments and I see evidence on the Biological accounts with regards to gay and lesbian people for example I’ve seen children who I examine with extra amounts of testosterone etc. which causes them to be attracted to the same sex.

I know that this is completely prohibited in Islam and I completely agree but how do I respond to cases as such which produce medical and psychological explanations? What is the exact ruling as to why gays and lesbians are prohibited? How can I respond to other Muslims who argue that some people are born this way (imbalance in their body) causing this attraction?

A. “And Lut, when he said to his people,

‘Do you commit an obscenity

not perpetrated before you

by anyone in all the worlds?

You come with lust to men instead of women.

You are indeed a depraved people.’

The only answer of his people was to say,

‘Expel them from your city!

They are people who keep themselves pure!’

So We rescued him and his family –

except for his wife.

She was one of those who stayed behind.

We rained upon them a rain (of stones).

See the final fate of the evildoers!”

(Quran 7:80-84)

There have always been cases of effeminate men and masculine women throughout history. Such was prevalent even during the time of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. These biological variances do not legalise what Allah Ta’ala has prohibited.

There are many people that are naturally aggressive and many that are naturally passive, many that are prone to violence and many that are naturally submissive. This does not justify the strong taking advantage of the weak or of one person abusing another.

Natural tendencies or inclinations do not justify or legalise divine prohibitions. Man, by nature, is attracted to and lusts over women. This does not legalise rape, fornication or adultery. Women, by nature, are jealous of women who are more attractive or popular than them. This does not justify cattish and malicious behaviour. Similarly, being attracted to the same sex does not legalise homosexual behaviour. Some may say that in the other behaviours there is harm caused to others, but in homosexual behaviour no one is harmed. It is the choice of two consenting persons. This is untrue. There is much harm in homosexual behaviour and that harm affects society as a whole. One of its most disastrous harms is that it effectively disintegrates the natural family system.

We must be conscious of the fact that homosexual and liberal sexual behaviour is aggressively promoted and celebrated by modern media. At the same time, chastity, marriage and family values are disparaged and ridiculed. This has played a major role in the erosion of the family unit and the increasingly high rates of divorce that have currently beset our society. The loss of the values and stability that a good family home provides, with the discipline of the father and the compassion of the mother, coupled with the negative impact of the media has led to such mental issues in society that were previously unheard. Millions of youth now suffer depression. Thousands, if not millions, do not know if they are male or female or something else.

The tragedy of this is that many of these mental issues are now promoted as normality. First we had the LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) movement. It then became LGBT (including transgender). Then it became LGBTQ, then LGBTQI, then LGBTQIAGNC (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and gender-non-conforming) and it still continues. Society is expected to accept all of this as normal and if you do not, then you are homophobic, hateful and unreasonable.

This absurdness is the consequence of embracing perversion as normality. Describing the nature of humankind, Allah Ta’ala states, “And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it; then inspired it with its (instincts of) evil and piety.”(91:7, 8)

Humans have been created with inherent qualities of good and evil. Having evil tendencies is intrinsic within us. Yet, this does not legalise the commission of sin. Allah Ta’ala has given humanity the ability to choose between right and wrong. Human beings have the capacity to transcend the angels by choosing to live righteously and subduing the evil within them or to be more debased than swine by choosing to rebel against the Almighty and embracing sin and depravity. It is this choice that sets humans apart from animals and it is by virtue of this choice that humanity is accountable on the Day of Judgement.

The “born like that” argument which is a common argument used in support of homosexual behaviour is untenable from an Islamic viewpoint. A person’s triumph is not in succumbing to the forbidden desires within them. Rather, it is in conquering those very desires and rising above them.

Allah states in the Qur’an, “But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from evil desires and lusts. Verily, Paradise will be his abode.” (79:40, 41)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Moosa Salie

(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.)

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